
Join our team of volunteers and be part of the positive change in the community! In our foundation, volunteers play a fundamental role in supporting women and families in times of need. From helping to deliver groceries to families, to accompanying during difficult times, collaborating in events, and contributing to the distribution and collection of donations, every action makes a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Join us and become part of a supportive network that promotes well-being and hope in our community.

Distribution of Donations

We participate in the distribution of donations, helping to organize and deliver food, clothing, and essential items to women and/or families in need.

Hospital Accompaniment

We accompany women in hospitals and health centers, providing emotional and logistical support during their medical visits

Recreational Activities for Children

We conduct fun and educational activities for children, providing them with a safe and enjoyable space while their mothers receive care at the foundation.

Emotional Support and Guidance

We offer emotional support and guidance to women who have been victims of violence or are going through difficult situations, listening to them and providing resources and options to move forward.

I want to volunteer

Here you can leave us your contact information and tell us a little about what you would like to volunteer for in our foundation!
